Opt for an Innovative QWL Approach with a Multisensory Massage Solution

The work environment can generate stress and burnout, negatively impacting employees’ health and well-being. That’s why many companies have recognized the importance of a Quality of Work Life (QWL) initiative. They aim to improve working conditions to increase motivation and retain employees.

QWL: A Strong Expectation

This growing focus on QWL by companies is largely due to the need to retain employees. A happy and fulfilled employee is less likely to seek another job. According to a study by OpinionWay for Malakoff Médéric, only 44% of employees believe their company is particularly concerned with situations of fragility, making them more inclined to see if the grass is greener elsewhere.

The recent health crisis hasn’t helped either. According to the Viavoice / La Mutuelle familiale Work Life Barometer, 36% of employees now feel less attached to their company, and 62% believe their working conditions have deteriorated.

QWL is everyone’s business! Involving your employees in the process is important to ensure that the action plan meets everyone’s expectations and is understood by all. It’s often through this involvement that the best QWL initiatives arise!

What Solutions Can a Company Incorporate in Its QWL Approach?

Today, employers have a wide range of innovative actions available for QWL:

  • Promote flexibility: Offer flexible hours, telecommuting, part-time work, etc. The main idea: listen to the needs of employees to help them better balance work and personal life.
  • Encourage recognition: Implement programs to highlight employees’ work.
  • Foster autonomy: Giving more responsibility and freedom can help employees feel more involved in their work.
  • Encourage communication: Promote exchanges between employees. Organizing collective events or activities can strengthen the sense of belonging and team cohesion.
  • Offer training and development opportunities: Allowing employees to train and advance professionally can make them feel valued and future-oriented.
  • Design better workspaces: Offer ergonomic offices, and spaces for relaxation and socialization.
  • Promote well-being: Provide sporting activities, meditation or yoga sessions, and massages to help employees relax and recharge.
démarche QVT

QWL: A True Driver of Company Development!

Massage: An Innovative QWL Action?

The benefits of massage in improving QWL have long been recognized. Massage offers numerous health and well-being benefits, such as reducing muscle tension, lowering stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and enhancing focus. Therefore, workplace massage is an effective way to boost employee well-being.

Incorporating regular massages into a QWL program has several advantages for employees:

  • Relieves muscle and mental tension directly at the workplace.
  • Improves posture.
  • Helps alleviate stress and negative emotions.
  • Enhances overall team productivity by keeping employees focused and alert throughout the day.
  • Reduces the risk of workplace injuries.

Offering massages in the workplace is a way to retain employees by showing that the company cares about their well-being. Improving their well-being boosts satisfaction and increases their engagement with the company.

Problem: Traditional massages, requiring a therapist, impose scheduling on employees, and often, not everyone can benefit. Additionally, only a few employees can access them. While positive, it’s often not a solution that can be used daily.

Le massage : Une démarche QVT
Massage: A QWL Initiative

iYU®: An Innovative Multisensory Solution for Your QWL Approach

That’s why some companies have decided to invest in innovative equipment like the iYU® massage robot from Capsix Robotics. A multisensory massage experience with high-quality care accessible to everyone, anytime, directly at the workplace!

Designed to adapt to all body types through its sensors, iYU® provides a perfectly personalized massage using its robotic arm. Always available, the massage robot allows employees to enjoy sessions based on their current needs and availability, addressing time and space constraints in the workplace.

Could robotic massage be the workplace solution? Through a technological approach, the service is always available, accessible directly in the workplace, and preserves privacy.

In short? A real relaxation break between two big tasks! Numerous benefits make iYU® a complement to treatments provided by practitioners in traditional settings.

Want to learn more about this massage robot and integrate it into your QWL approach?

Contact us.

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